понедельник, 12 января 2009 г.

Evaluate Digital Hearing Aids!

One in six has hearing loss
Work noise increases risk of hearing loss

Daily Digital Hearing Aids exposure to excessive noise in the workplace is the primary factor in many cases of hearing loss in the working population. Read more

Safe with my hearing aid

In spite of the doctors’ opinion that hearing aids were not suitable for her, Carmen decided to give them a try. How to help

Do you have a family member or a friend with an undiagnosed hearing loss? Then you can do a lot to help.

Noisy offices

Too much noise in the office affects the performance and well-being of the employees. Two hearing aids best

Two hearing aids improve the general experience of sound quality and the ability to keep up with conversations.

Babies with hearing loss

It is never easy for parents to be told that their newborn is hearing impaired. Most often, it is shocking news. Risky MP3 players

Personal stereos cause hearing damage in high numbers of listeners, especially among young people.

One in six

One in six has hearing loss. But only some of those who need hearing aids use them even though they can improve quality of life. Tinnitus and Hearing loss

Almost all people with tinnitus also suffer from hearing loss. Just one in 123 tinnitus patients suffered no hearing loss.

Protect your ears

The best defense against noise-induced hearing loss is to stay out of noisy areas or to use hearing protection. Speech-in-noise test

Try the 5 step speech-in-noise test that will help you determine if you would benefit from wearing hearing aids.

Project: Evaluation of noise reduction in (digital) hearing aids
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Titel Evaluatie van de reductie van lawaai in (digitale) hoorapparaten
Abstract Background: Noise reduction may be one of the most important developments to improve the functionality of hearing aids in critical situations. Therefore, most (high end) hearing aids are equipped with a noise reduction system in one form or another. Different hearing aid manufacturers, however, implement noise reduction systems based on different noise reduction strategies. Information about noise reduction strategies that are implemented is seldomly provided and as a consequence the effect of different noise reduction systems on hearing aid output is largely unknown. To study the effect of different noise reduction systems that are implemented in hearing aids, our laboratory has developed a new measurement system for the technical evaluation of noise reduction systems. Aims: Classification and optimization of noise reduction strategies for digital hearing aids. Method: The measurement system uses both non-modulated and (amplitude) modulated ICRA-noises, which are mixed in different signal-to-noise ratios. The (amplitude) modulated ICRA-noise is considered to represent a speech signal, whereas the non-modulated ICRA-noise represents background noise. By using these mixtures of ICRA-noises as the input of hearing aids and measuring the outputs, the effect of the noise reduction systems implemented in those hearing aids can be investigated as a function of signal-to-noise ratio. Results: Preliminary measurements on three hearing aids (reported in a paper published in Audiology 2001; 40:148-157) were used to fine-tune the measurement system. With this measurement system, different noise reduction systems that are applied in a number of hearing aids have been tested and are being documented and classified. Future research: The data that are currently available will be supplemented by data from measurements on noise reduction systems that have recently become available. The results will be published in a paper that compares different noise reduction strategies and establishes the most important parameters of noise reduction systems. Additionally, in a follow-up study the perceptual effects will be investigated. By systematically varying the most important parameters, we will investigate the optimal settings of noise reduction algorithms.
Period 01/2005 - unknown
NOD number OND1311063

Related organisations
Secretariat: Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Ear Physics (UvA)

Related persons
Project leader: Prof.dr.ir. W.A. Dreschler
Researcher: Dr.ir. A.E. Hoetink
Researcher: Ing. L. Korossy
A31400 : medical aids
A70000 : public health and health care
D21200 : biophysics, clinical physics
D23230 : neurology, otorhinolaryngology, opthalmology

Data supplier: Website AMC (http://www.onderzoekinformatie.nl/en/oi/nod/onderzoek/OND1311063/)

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